Elite's Policies
Member Policies
A signed WAIVER or online agreement to Elite policies is required to participate in all Elite Sports Complex Programs.
Agree ONLINE via the Parent Portal
If your child is sick, do not send them to class for the safety of other students and staff.
Students must be registered for class prior to participation.
Payment for classes is due monthly. If payment is not collected by the 5th of the month your child will be dropped from their class.
Please arrive 5 minutes early to the start of class to ensure your child is lined up for class before it starts. Please also be on time for pickup.
Students are required to wear athletic clothing to participate in class. Jewelry, baggy clothing, skirts, and dresses are not allowed. Long hair must be pulled back to participate in class.
For the safety of all of our students no banging or tapping on windows. Yelling at athletes or coaches will not be tolerated.
View our policy here.
come join our gymnastics club today