You & Me Class
The toddler group, ages 12-36 months, will experience thrilling moments in the gym which range from obstacle course, tumble track, and parachute games. Their experience on the gymnastics equipment is normally in the form of an obstacle course. The toddlers are encouraged to climb, crawl, and jump from station to station. Children will be performing basic motor patterns at each of the stations to work on confidence, flexibility, balance, strength, and much more. Parents and children will actively participate together in this class.
You & Me Gallery
Our Instructional Philosophy
As instructors of children and young adults, we accept responsibility for their safety and well being while in our care.
We understand the impact our behavior, appearance and knowledge has on their lives.
We recognize we are role models and everything we do or say can make a lasting impression on them.
We will only teach developmentally and ability appropriate skills to our students.
We will keep in mind that to be successful requires us to keep a positive and encouraging philosophy.
We will strive to make every lesson fun so that our students will want to return and stay enrolled, allowing them to achieve the greatest benefits from the participation in our activities and programs.
come join our gymnastics club today